Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jack's First Tractor

I was about 5 years old that tractor was my favorite toy.

The other photo was my uncle, myself, and my sister around 1958 we were at our Grandparents home in Livingston Montana. That was a neat place to visit cause it was a farm and I learned a lot.

Grandma and Grandpa Roth

Grandpa with mom.

Grandma with mom.

The Old Homestead, 1924

This photo is my Grandpa Roth's family,his dad, mom, and brothers and sister. It reminds me of the movie Grapes of Wrath with Henry Fonda. The photo was 1924

Great Grandparents

Great Grand parents, Great Grandpa plowing his field.
The family of the Yoders my grandmas mom and dad and sisters.

My Dad and Grandpa

Grandpa Donais and dad.

Dad on Gordon Ave.

My Military Dad and Uncle

Dad in 1952 Navy at San Diego Calif.
Uncle Jerry and Jack Donais

Monday, May 25, 2009

Summertime In The Woods.

Take some time to read a story to your young children.
...Lets read my story, Summertime In The Priest River Woods

Once upon a time a little girl named Becky lived in the back woods of Priest River Idaho. Her house was made of logs. There she lived with her mom her dad along with her little sister Amanda and there dog Jack.

It was summer in the woods and thats when the families are busy they work all day in the fields.

Becky and her little sister help there mom gather the eggs and weed the garden. Summer was also a time for vistors. When the vistors came mom did some extra cooking. There would be new children for Becky and Amanda to play with. When the cows were giving extra milk that was a good time to make cheese.

One day dad came home early with a surprise. It was a bee tree with buckets of honey. After dinner mom washed the dishes and Becky wiped them.

The windows were wide open to the warm summer night. Soon after both girls were tucked in to bed while listening to dad whistle softly to him self.

It was another happy summer day in the Priest River woods.

Jack Donais

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why Take A Walk.

It is finally getting warmer durning the day and a little cooler in the evenings,a perfect time to take a walk with your loved one and enjoy all the beauty of nature and what it offers.
Walking is good for the heart and less change to have a stroke. The changes of diabetes are slim, it keeps your bones strong, preventing osteoporosis.
You will even loose a few of those unwanted pounds. Even sleep better, and of course counteract depression.
So enjoy a brisk walk,here are some helpful things to do to make your walk more enjoyable. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.
For warmth add layers that can be easily removed.
Use flexible, lightweight shoes. Water is very important drink plenty while your walking. Just relax and enjoy your walk.

Whats Your Favorite 60s TV Show.

The 1960s what a time to be a live every thing to be at a slower pace, life seemed simple.
Families would spend more time together,gas prices werent rising every week,and neighbors were always there to help when in need of help.
It was only the man had to work to provide and the woman could stay home and do what a woman enjoys. The American dream was something we all could look forward to.
My mom and dad got our first TV in 1956 a black and white with tubes and later in 1964 we thought we were in heaven we got our first color TV.
There were alot of neat shows back then especially the shows Walt Disney put out all family shows. I had many favorites but I would like to know your all time favorite from 1960 through 1969. We will see what show was the all time best. So get with it let me know your favorite and I will post the all time best TV show. O your wondering what mine were well I have two Leave It To Beaver and Bonanza. Enjoy and have fun telling me your favorite and why.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Goslings In Training.

Well here is an update, pictures to follow soon, on the six goslings.

Yesterday a friend said he would be happy to take the goslings to his house there they would learn to forage and swim in the many ponds on his property.
I really didnt want them to leave my site but then again I always wanted the best for them so when the time comes for them to fly and live in the wild they would be better off.
So I said if you promise me they would be safe and you release them. He insured me they would get the proper living conditions and all the room to run around and forage and lots of swimming.

I will post some really neat pictures as I told my goose friends goodbye and Im sure they hated to see me leave em since I helped them come in to this world. I was told I could come and see em any time and take pictures and you know I will, and I will make sure to share them on my future posts. I bought some bands to put on there legs so I can tell if they do come back to the pond. So lets hope for the best and they have a full life. I will keep in touch.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swimming Lessons.

The goslings had a good day yesterday trying to swim and flap there little wings. They still dont have enough oil on there body to really swim a long ways.

Today Im thinking of taking 3 of them at a time to the park to run and flap there wings and get it all of flim to share with my readers. So until another post I will go get the little guys ready for there day in the park. Every one enjoy this sunny day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Goose Update.

Another day at work.This morning I woke up to a flock of baby goslings, One had jumped out of pen,as I was starting to walk away it started towards me so I ran to see if it could keep up, it was so cute a gosling running and flapping its little wings trying to keep up with me.

I cleaned there pen and fed em today.Im going to teach them about swimming. there now3 weeks old and about 5 pounds I made another call to the Game Dept to let them know the progress and to see if I need to know anything eles. I will let you know more as the time comes. I will try to post updated photos also.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Vote On Your Favorite 60s TV Show.

The decade was the 60s it was a time when familes all spent more time with one another, things were much simpler, the neighbors helped each other. Gas prices were low and not costing more every week. It was a time when the man went off to work and knew he would a job till retirement. The wife could stay home and do the things a wife likes to do.

Isnt that what we all wish for today, less crime, less families breaking up Yes we all would like the old American dream again.

My favorite time during the 60s is TV programs we had our first tube TV in 1959 black and white back then our first color in 1964.

What I would like to do is to have anyone reading this post tell me your all time TV program from 1960 to 1969 I will let you know the results in the next few posts. If your wondering about mine I have two Leave It To Beaver, and Bonaza. Although there were many good programs.

So get started and send in your favorite. We will then see what program was the all time watched.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jack's Baby Geese

Hi, this is Marte, Jack's friend and guest poster...
When I was in Bordertown Feed getting grain for my horse a few days ago, I took this photo of the baby geese - thought everyone might enjoy seeing them.

Relaxing at Home.

Well just got off from work. I had a friend go to Sandpoint to get me a new portable DVD player I ordered, it sure is a nicer one than the one I had.

Im going to watch two movies before I go to bed. It looks like no Triple Crown winner again this year but it was neat a very young filly won. I brought my lap top home so I could relax and just write without any one bothering me.

There are times I wonder if anyone reads the blogs from others, Ive had better luck on Twitter.O well its all fun just the same. Im going to try my new DVD player out and enjoy the Disney movie Fly Away Home so talk to you soon. Good Night.

Raising Chickens.

Im going to give you some facts you need to know about raising chickens. Fourteen hours of light is needed for good egg production.

To prevent your chickens from pecking each other make sure you are doing the following things. Make sure the birds arent crowed,plenty of fresh water,make sure heat is just right not to hot or to cold,and make sure the birds arent to much boredom.

To prevent your chickens from laying there eggs on the floor make sure there nests are 18 to 20 inches off the ground.

If your finding blood spots in your eggs wellthat normal although unsightly. Its a small amount of tissue that is released along with the yolk. Usually it is caused from lack of vitamin A so try vitamin A and that should end that problem.

A hen will start laying depending on the breed but about 17 weeks old and some others about 30 weeks.

Thanks for coming to my blog get a few chickens and enjoy those fresh eggs.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fly Away Home.

Well hows life been treating everyone, since I was here last, lots have happened but the neatest thing was taking care of newly hatched Canadian Geese.

Here is the story on April 1, 2009 6 goose eggs were brought to me, the parents had died and the eggs were starting to hatch so I put them in my brooder just to see if they would finish hatching and surely enough they did, and now 2 weeks later they all weigh 4 pounds, there huge.

I will keep them another six to 8 weeks untill they are fully feathered and then take them all down to this pond where there are other ducks and geese and hopefully they will find a friend to fly away with and live happy lifes.
I will keep all of you posted, In the mean time I suggest never try to mess with mother nature.