Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Animal Friends.

Good morning, looks like its going to be a nice sunny day, its saturday tomorrow I think I will rake the pasture and seed it with grass and clover. This winter in North Idaho was really hard on everything, lots of repairs to be done.

I had friend post some of my animals hope you enjoy, thats me and my two mini donkeys, Barney and Eddie look how green the grass is and tall they really enjoy the free meal.

Thats me holding a Blue and Gold macaw sure is a big bird and I must say really noisey, there were times my ears were really hurting. But this bird sure can talk.

Nick is the monkey the owner of the store had, I use to work at, its mother was killed by poachers when it was a few weeks old.

He could be a handful always making a mess, once he got out of his pen and went right to the bathroom and took the toilet paper and un rolled it all over.

I was at Mc Donalds one evening and I thought it would neat to sit next to Ronald cause he looked so real.

Now for my favorite photo does this goat have two heads or doesnt it, you decide and let me know.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Is On Its Way.

Well my friends I think we made it through the miserable winter in Northern Idaho. Now we can look forward to a wonderful warm few months.

Im going to make plans to do more fishing and take my new row boat out on the lake.

My friend is going to put some of my favorite pictures on the blog so look for them in the future, they will be some of my goats, my donkeys and of one of my parrots. Id like to get a good picture of Abby my dog to put on a page.

Yesterday I recieved 100 pheasants I will sell some, then let some loose in my pasture. Well I better go for now Im getting busy. See ya later.

Jack Donais

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

City Park in Priest River Idaho.

You know I was thinking, this city has very strick dog laws I was wondering why the city wont let you take your dog to the park and play with it, Let it excerise, play frisbe and just have fun.
As long as the owner will be orderly and keep things clean when leaving. We are tax payers,and part of that money goes to our parks we should have some say.

This is such a small city the gateway to Priest Lake its like a tourist trap we need things in this town like a youth center for the young kids to go so they can be productive and stay out of trouble.

I challence everyone in Priest River to push the city counsel to think more of the people in this town and help our young ones have things to do instead of running business' out of town with there funky laws. So get started and get busy.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Summer in Northern Idaho.

The day is over and now its time to blog I cant believe how hard it is to order chicks this year there is a waiting list to May. I quess I will incubate my own. My friend took his boat out for the first time this year, wont be long and youll see miles and miles of boats headed to Priest Lake. Check out my friends website, and enjoy the pictures he took of the lake. If your interested in photo let me know,or a DVD of all his photos (780) just email him and he can send you one.
Well I dont have much to say so I wont waste your time,I gotta lock the store door and head for home my donkeys are probaly getting hungry.
Good nite.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What's Priest Lake Like.

Well its starting to be a little nicer outside, pretty soon you will see this town full of cars and people from out of town headed to Priest Lake for lots of fun and beautiful sites.
For all you bloggers out there for your viewing enjoyment my friend is a photographer and I want you to go to his website and see all 780 photos and other parts of Priest Lake, Idaho. So enjoy and if want to buy any of the photos you see let me know or contact Tom at the Lake.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sure hope I dont get that newest virus that is suppose to be out there. Could be just a bad Aprils fool joke. Todays going to be a very busy day Im getting alot of new supplies mostly things for the smmer season.

Im looking for fertile Emu eggs and about 5 doz chick eggs that have not been stored in fridge so I can incubate them. If you have any please call me or stop by the store.
Im going to go cook some breakfast,my favorite hashbrowns and chicken fried steak. I will be back later in the day.
It doesnt look like it will ever warm up wake up today with a fresh blanket of snow 2 inches, and its April.

Check out this web site,